Yoga has a positive impact on your physical and psychological wellness.
Low impact practice.
Improves strength, flexibility and mobility.
Builds concentration.
Reduces stress.
No previous yoga experience is required.
“ If you feel “burnout” setting in, if you feel demoralized and exhausted, it is best, for the sake of everyone, to withdraw and restore yourself.”
Private yoga classes are all about you—your pace, your goals, your schedule. One-on-one personalized yoga lessons are great for beginners who are looking to embark on their yoga practice, those who may feel uncomfortable practicing among other yogis, as well as practitioners of all levels who wish to take their yoga practice to the next step.
Yoga in the workplace creates happier, healthier, and more creative employees. Schedule weekly corporate yoga classes for your employees and show that you care about their well-being!
Choose from a standard class type below or get in touch to discuss a custom class based on your needs.
Slow Flow
Can 60 minutes make a difference in your life? Sandra believes significant mind/body renewal is possible in that seemingly short period of time. Slow Flow Yoga lesson is suitable for all levels of yoga practitioners, including beginners and those with limited flexibility. At the end of the lesson, you will enjoy renewed energy as a result of guided stretches and gentle muscle toning as you quietly reconnect with yourself through slow and deep flow breathing.
Restorative Yoga
Restorative yoga lesson centers you by aligning the physical and mental bodies as you practice stillness and/or gentle movement for extended periods of time. Nourishing poses designed to restore and revitalize your body and mind, including the fundamental pose, Savasana (Corpse pose). Props are utilized in this lesson, helping you to hold poses for longer durations.
Yin Yoga/Deep Stretch
A quiet, meditative practice designed to open the body up, peeling away layers of stress, tension that reside within. Most poses are done while seated or lying down and are held in stillness for 3-5 minutes. In yin yoga a target is the connective tissues, such as ligaments and fascia, along with the energetic systems of the body, bringing the body into balance and increasing its natural range of motion. It's a great yoga practice for men and yoga practice for athletes!
Yoga Nidra
Dive into deep relaxation. Yoga Nidra is an ancient practice that is rapidly gaining popularity in the West. It is intended to induce full body relaxation and a deep meditative state of consciousness. We live in a chronically exhausted, overstimulated world. Psychosomatic illnesses such as diabetes, hypertension, migraines, asthma, ulcers, digestive disorders and skin diseases arise from tensions in the body and mind. The leading causes of death in developed countries, cancer and heart disease, also stem from tension. Yoga Nidra is a method of complete relaxation that holistically addresses our physiological, neurological, and subconsciousneeds. A single hour of Yoga Nidra is as restful as four hours of sleep. Yoga Nidra progressively releases muscular, emotional and mental tension.
Yoga for Back & Yoga for Core
Achy back? Give yoga a go. Multiple studies have shown the power of this ancient practice. This class focus is on lengthening the spine, stretching the hamstrings and strengthening core and back muscles. Through restorative poses we will encourage further release of tension. Reconnect with your breath, your body, and develop a healthy back and strong core.
What to expect in Yoga group/individual lesson with Sandra
Breath awareness – our most powerful tool that leads us towards more opening, connection with the Self, healing and relaxation. In yoga we call it Prana, the life force. Breathing exercises are called Pranayama.
Strengthen concentration and focus. With slow and mindful movements, with hold we engage the mind into practice.
Discover new strength and increase flexibility. Building masculine strength using your own body weight. Improvements on flexibility depends on individual’s age, health and commitment to practicing yoga. To every persona flexibility means different things and yoga everyone’s journey is different.
Awareness of your own body and its needs. The body holds tensions, samskaras (the imprints left on the subconscious mind by experience in this or previous lives) we must to know our body and love them for the healing to happen. Acceptance of your own self creates inner peace.
Mental health. Yoga can reduce stress, creates more peace and relaxation. One of the greatest things is that while practicing yoga we being able to observe the external events around us, but not being caught up in drama. We learn how to stay calm, cool, collected and grounded. After a good yoga practice all troubles flow away. Troubles don’t disappear but we learn a better ways to see it and deal with it.
Once you have a good relationship with yourself you create a better relationship with our loved ones, family, friends and community. Connection between body, breath, mind and heart helps in everyones daily life. Allow change to happen.